Compréhension audio - Christmas sur Audio-lingua
Niveau A2
* Liz : Christmas in England
Christmas is a big holiday in my family and for all the English people.
* Liz : I love Christmas
I loved Christmas when I was a child but I even like it more now because I have grand children.
* Liz : Christmas cards
Let me tell you about an English tradition for Christmas:cards.
* Liz : Christmas decorations
I remember how we used to decorate the house for Christmas : the Christmas tree, holly branches, home-made decorations and cards.
* Liz : Christmas afternoons when I was a child
On Christmas afternoons, we used to do some activities and eat a Christmas tea.
* Liz : Christmas mornings when I was a child
I remember Christmas mornings in England when I was a child : Father Christmas, stockings and presents.
* Rebecca : my typical Christmas dinner
I’m going to tell you about my typical English Christmas dinner : prawn cocktail, turkey with gravy, sprouts, Christmas pudding, mince pies and tea.
* Rebecca : what I do on Christmas Day
I’m going to tell you about what I do on Christmas day : I have breakfast, I open my presents, I eat some chocolates and I have the typical Christmas lunch.
* Jenny : Christmas traditions 1/3 (Christmas cards and mistletoe)
Every year I realise that some family traditions are very important. Here are the Christmas traditions I like.
* Jenny : Christmas traditions 2/3 (mince pies, Christmas pudding and Christmas carols)
Every year I realise that some family traditions are very important. Here are the Christmas traditions I like.
* Jenny : Christmas traditions 3/3 (Christmas lunch, crackers, the Queen’s speech, Boxing Day)
Every year I realise that some family traditions are very important. Here are the Christmas traditions I like.
* Jenny : I’d like a netbook for Christmas
Jenny tells us what her wish list is for Christmas this year.
* Claire : I remember Christmas time when I was little
Claire remembers opening advent calendar, decorating the Christmas tree, celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
* Rob : Christmas in Wales
Rob explains why Christmas is such an important celebration for his family. They gather together and celebrate. His father is the vicar of the church.
* Celine : my Christmas list
Céline tells us what she would like for Christmas this year.
* Olivia : what I want for Christmas
Olivia tells us about the presents she would like to receive this Christmas.
* Siobhan : Christmas with my family
Siobhan speaks about the way Christmas is celebrated in her catholic Irish family.
* Candice : my typical Christmas day
Candice explains the way the English usually spend Christmas Day.
* Kerry : Christmas in South Africa
Kerry compares the way Christmas is celebrated in France and in South Africa (weather, meal, decorations...)
* Paul : my best Christmas gift ever
Paul tells us about his 16-years old Christmas gift : a car !
* Sarah : Weather in New Zealand for Christmas
In New Zealand, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, but it's summer and it's hot !
* Sam : my Christmas list
Sam tells us what presents she is going to ask Father Christmas.
* Sam : Christmas in England
Sam explains the main Christmas traditions in England, before Christmas day (advent calendars, christmas services),
on Christmas day (food, crackers, stockings, late night shopping).
* Kate : Christmas decorations in the UK
Kate explains how British people celebrate Christmas : decorations outside and inside the house.
Niveau B1
* Liz : Boxing Day
Boxing Day is on the 26th of December. What is it ? What do people do on that day ?
* Malik : Christmas crackers
Malik talks about a traditional part of Christmas in Ireland : the opening of the crackers.
* Kevin : Christmas in England
Kevin, an Englishman who teaches English in France, speaks about the way Christmas is celebrated in the British Isles.
* Corinne : celebrating Christmas in South Africa
In South Africa, Christmas is not celebrated in the same way as in England. Corinne, a 58-year-0ld South African living in England, tells us about this difference.
* Sam : my best Christmas present ever
Sam remembers one of the best Christmas present she ever received and why it was such a nice present.
Niveau B2
* Kevin : Christmas cards
Kevin, an Englishman who teaches English in France, speaks about Christmas cards.
* David : Christmas in Australia
David tells us about how he celebrates Christmas : family,food...